Costume Showcase 2021 - LIVESTREAM EVENT


Available online now


6:30 pm


Te Whaea Theatre, 11 Hutchison Road, Newtown, Wellington


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Costume Showcase 2021 brings fabric magic to Wellington.

Audiences will see the major works of the 7 graduating costumiers, ranging from historical portraiture to concept critters and a  larger than life drag artist! The first year costumiers get to share their work as well with their 1830’s ensembles, featuring bonnets and parasols. The kura is excited this year to also have the participation  of the first year contemporary dancers from the New Zealand School of Dance, who will be wearing dresses and masks made for an in-house film project called Vortex.   

COVID UPDATE: Our showings will be for Toi Whakaari, New Zealand School of Dance, and Te Whaea staff and students only. We are not able to have external audience at our showings. Existing ticket holders will be issued a full refund. The Costume Showcase will now be featured as a live stream online event on Saturday 2 October at 6:30pm which you can view here.

Image: Costume Showcase 2020, ARACHNE Costumier Elishia Ward and Model Alannah Martin - credit Stephen A’Court.










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