Double Bill: Lockdown La Ronde


ON DEMAND until 12 September


7:30 pm




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Inspired by the 1950 French film La Ronde (which was itself inspired by an 1897 German play) comes Lockdown La Ronde written by Victor Rodger and directed by Jarod Rawiri , this is a distinctly contemporary tale of ten LGBTQIA+ twenty somethings as they connect – or at least try to – during lockdown. From a horny fitness instructor in Brazil to a gay chat room hustler in Wellington, the only things not on lockdown are their desires.

Who better to direct this unique production than Jarod Rawiri best known as Mo Hannah on Shortland Street, this star of screen and stage has returned to Wellington and his Toi Whakaari roots to stylishly shape this neon monster Lockdown La Ronde

“For me, Level 4 meant looking inward. This searching lit a creative fire. I was hungry to be an artist. To serve my communities. To support my whānau and my mates. Lockdown La Ronde is a response to this new normal. A loud, gay, fist raised, neon drenched response. It's a lil bit extra. Welcome to the new normal.” – Jarod Rawiri

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