Double Bill: Pre-Lockdown Post


ON DEMAND until 12 September


6:00 pm




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Pre Lockdown Post was created by Third Year acting students over the COVID-19 lockdown period, then sculpted and directed by Hone Kouka. The key narrative of this work follows where these students were at and how they coped over that tumultuous time. 

2020 and beyond, Aotearoa is no longer the country we once knew. We dance, debate, bake, mourn, rage and celebrate through this time. A fired up dance crew, fantastical dreamscapes, internet drop outs, a funeral, a love story, a lone protester and the new future. A lone grandmother with the onset of dementia, prospective hooks ups, inane internet challenges, and witnessing the new norm - this is Pre Lockdown Post.

"As a roopū this group of creatives has shown me we are in good hands for the future. Courageous in korero, fearless in creation and unflinching in what pātai they ask. The world is not what we once knew, a wero was laid at their feet and this mahi is their response to that." Hone Kouka










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