FWD 2020 - Metamorphosis


9-11 June


9:00 am




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The next generation of curious disruptors - Toi Whakaari's 2020 cohort - will be exploring 'the new live' in the time of social distancing and the 6-foot radius. This year the Festival of Work in Development will be held online as Toi Whakaari evolves in a time of rapid change. 

For an artist to take the space of presenting work as work in development, with

commitment and courage, is a huge challenge, especially in this part of the

world where we rely so heavily on the work being ‘received well’. Our students from

all disciplines are encouraged and mentored to contribute towards the festival,

presenting work in any form they choose. This year presents the opportunity for

new platforms of artistic expression to happen online as we adapt to a strange new world.










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