Solos 2023


Oct 24 - 29


6:00 pm


Basement Theatre, Te Whaea - National Dance & Drama Centre


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For over 30 years the Toi Whakaari Solos Season has developed the voices of emerging artists and entertained audiences with originality, fire and innovation.

The 2023 Solos season will feature brand new works, with 21 artistic mavericks standing in their power.

From Camp B grade horror to Maori deities, from mundane to the miraculous and from experimental to existential, Immerse yourself in bite sized solo works as Toi Whakaari First year acting students lift the lid on their artistic questions that they are passionate about, as well as working craft skills of body, voice and imagination.

Arts Laureate Ahi Karunaharan who graduated from the kura in 2007 returns to Poneke to facilitate this programme working alongside multi-award winning Toi Whakaari graduate and co-founder of I Ken So Productions, Sarita So (2007), and 2016 graduate Batanai Mashingaidze who was most recently seen in Red Leap’s Dakota and the White Flats and has worked with Silo Theatre, Mixit and Barbarian Productions.

Acting students work in collaboration with arts management students to create their own unique piece of live performance. Under the constraints of a $30 budget, 10 cues and a 15 minute performance time, magic will be born!

The Toi Whakaari Solos season has a long tradition of developing emerging artistic voices and delighting audiences. These solo works are often the seeds of larger artistic projects, with long lives. Major works born out of this project include Jacob Rajan's Krishnan's Dairy, and Chris Parker's No More Dancing in the Good Room.

SOLOS 2023 Group A

Group A: Roy Clark, Joel Washington, Emma Pawson, Joshua Leota and Waikamania Seve

SOLOS 2023 Group B

Group B: Te Atatu Patelesio, Arvin Mesgar , Molly Macalister and Eve Naicker

SOLOS 2023 Group C

Group C: Thomas Smith, Awerangi Thompson, Mathieu Rata and Grace Prodanov

SOLOS 2023 Group D

Group D: Ayush Singh, Ashley Harnett, Taipuhi King , Elia Correa

SOLOS 2023 Group E

Group E Zody Takurua , Puka Moeau, Rain Te’i, Taygen Ellio

Photo: 2023 Solo Season










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