Toi Film 2021


25 October


6:30 pm


Embassy Theatre, 10 Kent Tce, Wellington 


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Toi Film 2021 celebrates another year of screen collaborations between Toi Whakaari students, staff and industry.

This year’s selection features new films directed by internationally acclaimed multi-disciplinary artist Tanu Gago, award winning filmmaker Asuka Sylvie, and renowned actor and filmmaker Florence Noble. 

See them now before they hit the international stage - Toi Films have gone on to be screened at numerous film festivals including the Berlinale, Melbourne, and New Zealand. Toi Film WORKSHOP, created in 2019 by Judah Finnigan, was accepted into the 2020 Venice Film Festival and the 2021 Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival.

Our sincere thanks to Embassy Theatre, Wellington for their continued generous support.

Due to COVID alert level conditions there will be no general public screening for Toi Film 2021.

Image: Toi Film 2020 audience at Embassy Theatre. Credit Shanell Bielawa.










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